Friday, January 15, 2010

resources for learning hacking

Before we continue onto basic of hacking let me tell u a secret. Hacking cant be learned by spoon feeding. You should have a strong will to learn it. It requires a vast knowledge of the Internet , networking and a good experience in the field of IT. These r the prerequisites to be an expert hacker. Even if you dont have these still u can be a hacker. But such hackers r called SCRIPT KIDDIES. Anyways let me tell you some resources from where you can learn hacking.

books r of course an important source of knowledge. There r many books related to hacking which you can either buy or download it for free. Most of us prefer to download it for free. You can get them in e book format from some torrent sites or find out by googling.

read some magazines related to security and hacking.

There r many zines nd blogs available on Internet. Find out some

forums and mailing lists are not searchable through search engines. But still you may find some.

Find out more information from websites related to security and hacking.
Also chatting with some of the hacker may help you a lot. Like i told earlier use IRC chat and join some channels and groups.

  • P2P
peer to peer is a network inside the internet. Instead of many local computers communicating with each other through a centralized, remote computer, the computers in P2P network communicate directly with each other. Torrent is one of such example where you can download and share many softwares and tools.

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